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ClimateLaunchpad - Hungarian Finals

24. July 2015.

ClimateLaunchpad competition arrived to its finals in Hungary yesterday. Participants in 28 countries are battling to win our cleantech business competition. This rousing ride lead them through Boot Camps and Coaching Sessions where they sharpened their ideas and prepared the perfect pitch to win the National Final. The teams who made it to the European Final on September 4th in Amsterdam are: 

  • ROTO SUN - portable solar panels for scouts
  • ZERO - zero artificial ingredient DIY cosmetic kits
  • RE-HYDRANT - drinkwater taps that can be used attached to plugs

Congratulations to the winners, fingers crossed, and thanks for the jury and our sponsor, EY for the venue.

Keep track of all that goes on during ClimateLaunchpad. Follow our contestants on this website, through Facebook or on Twitter